
Cordyceps Coffee

MiTOWN is a 100% Arabica coffee bean blend with Cordyceps Sinensis to boost energy and improve respiratory system with brown sugar added to neutralize the bitterness of coffee. Arabica Coffee bean is produced by using the freeze dry process to extract the coffee. By using this method, the quality of the aroma and the richness of flavor in the Arabica Coffee are protected by the very low temperature and gentle drying conditions.




Arabica Coffee Bean

Arabica coffee is the most popular among types of coffee. Arabica coffee bean tends to have a smoother, sweeter taste and some smells bit like fruit or berries. Arabica coffee plant produces less per year, this makes it more expensive to grow than its opponent. Chlorogenic acid and quinic acid which found in the coffee bean have antioxidant properties. Low in calories and helps to reduce inflammation.



Cocoa powder is made by crushing cocoa beans and removing the fat or cocoa butter. Cocoa is one of the richest sources of polyphenol which loaded with antioxidants, healthy fats, and fiber. Cocoa may help lower high blood pressure, aid weight loss and reduce symptoms of depression.


Brown Sugar

Brown sugar is a type of sugar that gains a brown colour due to the presence of molasses that contains of minerals such as calcium, potassium, iron and magnesium. It brings vary of health benefit which include soothing menstrual cramps and boost metabolism rate.



Cordyceps is a fungus that lives on certain caterpillars in the high mountain regions of China. Around 400 different species of cordyceps and many different biologically active compounds, but those commonly used in medicine tend to be cordyceps sinensis and cordyceps militaris. Cordyceps is used to restore health because of its adaptogens (anti stress) properties and ability to improve endurance, enhances stamina, improved night time urination, reduces fatigue and improve male sexual problem.


AJL 932366

Halal Certificate

1 142-07/2020

1 142-07/2020

1 072-11/2019